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Validator Upgrade Notes


As a validator maintainer on a Pryzm network , it is crucial to understand the upgrade process to ensure the smooth operation of the network. This guide provides an overview of the upgrade process and outlines the necessary steps for validator maintainers to follow during a network upgrade.

  1. Pre-Upgrade Preparation:

    • Stay Informed: Keep yourself updated with the latest network upgrades, protocol changes, and relevant announcements from the network's development team and the Pryzm community.
    • Understand the Changes: Thoroughly review the upgrade proposal and associated documentation to understand the purpose, scope, and impact of the upgrade on the network.
    • Testnet Participation: If available, participate in the upgrade testing phase on the testnet to gain familiarity with the process and identify any potential issues.
  2. Upgrade Proposal and Voting:

    • Participate in Governance: Engage with the network's governance process to review and vote on upgrade proposals. Familiarize yourself with the on-chain governance tools and the voting procedures specific to the network.
    • Assess Proposal Impact: Evaluate the proposed upgrade's impact on validator operations, software requirements, and any necessary infrastructure adjustments. Consider factors like software version compatibility, hardware requirements, and potential downtime during the upgrade.
    • Community Engagement: Actively participate in discussions with other validators, developers, and community members to share insights, ask questions, and address concerns related to the upgrade proposal.
  3. Update Validator Software:

    • Software Compatibility: Ensure that your validator's software version is compatible with the new upgrade. Update your validator software to the latest release or a compatible version recommended by the development team.
    • Backup and Snapshot: Before initiating any software updates, take a complete backup of your validator's data and configuration files. Additionally, create a snapshot of the network state to avoid potential data loss or synchronization issues during the upgrade.
    • Validate Software Integrity: Verify the integrity of the new software release by checking the cryptographic hashes or signatures provided by the development team. This step ensures that you are installing the official software release and mitigates the risk of downloading malicious or tampered software.
    • Test in Isolation: Install and test the new software release in an isolated environment, such as a local testnet or a separate instance, to verify its functionality and compatibility with your infrastructure setup. Identify and resolve any compatibility issues or conflicts before performing the upgrade on the mainnet.
  4. Network Upgrade Execution:

    • Coordinate with Other Validators: Collaborate with other validators to ensure a coordinated upgrade process. Join validator-specific communication channels, such as chat groups or forums, to exchange information and synchronize upgrade timing.
    • Schedule Downtime: Plan a maintenance window during which you will halt your validator operations for the upgrade. Coordinate with other validators to minimize the network's downtime collectively.
    • Follow Upgrade Instructions: Follow the upgrade instructions provided by the development team precisely. These instructions may include specific commands, configuration changes, or additional software dependencies required for a successful upgrade.
    • Monitor Upgrade Progress: Continuously monitor the upgrade progress and network status during the maintenance window. Stay attentive to any error messages, warning signs, or unexpected behaviors during the upgrade process. If needed, reach out to the community or the development team for assistance.
    • Post-Upgrade Verification: After the upgrade, validate that your validator node successfully rejoins the network and resumes its operations. Verify that the network is functioning as expected and validate your validator's participation status.
  5. Post-Upgrade Tasks:

    • Monitor Network Stability: Keep an eye on the network's stability, consensus process, and overall performance after the upgrade. Report any anomalies or issues encountered to the development team or community channels promptly.
    • Upgrade Validation: Collaborate with other validators to validate the network upgrade's success by cross-verifying the software version, blockchain height, and consensus parameters.
    • Documentation and Reporting: Document your experience and any insights gained during the upgrade process. Share feedback, suggestions, or bug reports with the development team or community to contribute to the improvement of future upgrades.


As a validator maintainer, your role in the network upgrade process is crucial for maintaining a stable and secure network. By staying informed, actively participating in governance, following the upgrade instructions, and engaging with the community, you contribute to the successful evolution of the Pryzm network.


Before deploying the upgrade on the mainnet, it is customary for it to undergo testing on the testnet. This allows validators to identify and resolve any issues or bugs before deploying the upgrade to the production environment. Participating in the testnet upgrade testing phase is highly recommended to ensure a smooth transition during the mainnet upgrade.