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Running pryzm with Binary

To run pryzm using the binary, follow these steps:


Before proceeding with running pryzm with the binary, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

  • pryzmd Binary: Build the pryzmd binary using the provided instructions.

Running pryzm Binary

To run pryzm using the binary, execute the following command in the terminal:

$ ./pryzmd [command] [flags]

Replace [command] and [flags] with the appropriate command and flags for your pryzm setup. For example, to start the pryzm daemon, use the following command:

$ ./pryzmd start

pryzmd Help Output

To view the available commands and flags for pryzmd, you can use the help flag. Run the following command to display the help output:

$ ./pryzmd --help

This command will provide detailed information about the usage of pryzmd and its available commands and flags.

Configuring Pryzmd

Pryzmd, being a Cosmos-based network, can be configured using three configuration files located by default in the $HOME/.pryzmd/config directory:

config.toml: This file contains the general configuration settings for Pryzmd.

app.toml: This file includes the application-specific configuration settings for Pryzmd.

client.toml: This file contains the configuration settings for the Pryzm client.